import inspect
from functools import wraps
from asgiref.sync import iscoroutinefunction
from django.http import HttpRequest
coroutine_functions_to_sensitive_variables = {}
def sensitive_variables(*variables):
Indicate which variables used in the decorated function are sensitive so
that those variables can later be treated in a special way, for example
by hiding them when logging unhandled exceptions.
Accept two forms:
* with specified variable names:
@sensitive_variables('user', 'password', 'credit_card')
def my_function(user):
password = user.pass_word
credit_card = user.credit_card_number
* without any specified variable names, in which case consider all
variables are sensitive:
def my_function()
if len(variables) == 1 and callable(variables[0]):
raise TypeError(
"sensitive_variables() must be called to use it as a decorator, "
"e.g., use @sensitive_variables(), not @sensitive_variables."
def decorator(func):
if iscoroutinefunction(func):
sensitive_variables_wrapper = func
wrapped_func = func
while getattr(wrapped_func, "__wrapped__", None) is not None:
wrapped_func = wrapped_func.__wrapped__
file_path = inspect.getfile(wrapped_func)
_, first_file_line = inspect.getsourcelines(wrapped_func)
except TypeError: # Raises for builtins or native functions.
raise ValueError(
f"{func.__name__} cannot safely be wrapped by "
"@sensitive_variables, make it either non-async or defined in a "
"Python file (not a builtin or from a native extension)."
key = hash(f"{file_path}:{first_file_line}")
if variables:
coroutine_functions_to_sensitive_variables[key] = variables
coroutine_functions_to_sensitive_variables[key] = "__ALL__"
def sensitive_variables_wrapper(*func_args, **func_kwargs):
if variables:
sensitive_variables_wrapper.sensitive_variables = variables
sensitive_variables_wrapper.sensitive_variables = "__ALL__"
return func(*func_args, **func_kwargs)
return sensitive_variables_wrapper
return decorator
def sensitive_post_parameters(*parameters):
Indicate which POST parameters used in the decorated view are sensitive,
so that those parameters can later be treated in a special way, for example
by hiding them when logging unhandled exceptions.
Accept two forms:
* with specified parameters:
@sensitive_post_parameters('password', 'credit_card')
def my_view(request):
pw = request.POST['password']
cc = request.POST['credit_card']
* without any specified parameters, in which case consider all
variables are sensitive:
def my_view(request)
if len(parameters) == 1 and callable(parameters[0]):
raise TypeError(
"sensitive_post_parameters() must be called to use it as a "
"decorator, e.g., use @sensitive_post_parameters(), not "
def decorator(view):
if iscoroutinefunction(view):
async def sensitive_post_parameters_wrapper(request, *args, **kwargs):
if not isinstance(request, HttpRequest):
raise TypeError(
"sensitive_post_parameters didn't receive an HttpRequest "
"object. If you are decorating a classmethod, make sure to use "
if parameters:
request.sensitive_post_parameters = parameters
request.sensitive_post_parameters = "__ALL__"
return await view(request, *args, **kwargs)
def sensitive_post_parameters_wrapper(request, *args, **kwargs):
if not isinstance(request, HttpRequest):
raise TypeError(
"sensitive_post_parameters didn't receive an HttpRequest "
"object. If you are decorating a classmethod, make sure to use "
if parameters:
request.sensitive_post_parameters = parameters
request.sensitive_post_parameters = "__ALL__"
return view(request, *args, **kwargs)
return sensitive_post_parameters_wrapper
return decorator
Jan 15, 2024